CFOs in 2024 seemed focused on preparing for interest rate changes, managing inflation, and the anticipation of a significant increase in capital markets activity…
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Finance and Banking
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CFOs in 2024 seemed focused on preparing for interest rate
changes, managing inflation, and the anticipation of a significant
increase in capital markets activity, which didn’t really
materialize. So many now ponder what 2025 will bring?
As John C. Maxwell once said, “Change is inevitable. Growth
is optional.”
I tend to agree with the quote and believe CFOs will spend most
of 2025 focused on managing change. Interest rate policy appears to
be stabilizing, and we have more clarity on the objectives of the
new presidential administration. Questions remain about whether
policy changes will tame inflationary pressures, deregulation will
lead to continued economic growth, and clear the path for capital
markets activity.
What are some of the items on the CFO’s change agenda for
- Navigating inflationary pressures
- Leveraging AI to support organizational objectives
- Managing AI investments
- Evaluating the impact of tariffs
- Capitalizing on deregulation
- Strategizing around tax policy changes
- Optimizing capital structures in the current interest rate
environment - Executing an M&A strategy in an active market
- Navigating changes in immigration policy
One could say there’s no time like the present to prepare
for change.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.